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Learning concepts

On this page you can learn about the features of Varjo headsets, and the basic concepts of what makes Varjo devices extraordinary.

Choose one of the following features to learn more:

Varjo VR explained

When developing for Varjo headsets, you can create projects that benefit from high resolution without significantly affecting the overall performance of your project. Learn more about how developers benefit from using two screens per eye on the Human eye resolution page.

Varjo XR explained

Video pass-through with Varjo enables near-seamless blending of virtual content with the real world. Discover how Varjo’s approach and technology sets it apart.

Varjo Base

Varjo Base is the software used to control your headset. You can observe what the headset viewer is seeing, quickly access settings and presentation tools, and analyze your project with real-time data. Read more about Varjo Base.

Upgrading to XR-4

When upgrading from a previous Varjo headset model or another brand of headset altogether, there are a few things to consider when updating your project. See Upgrading to XR-4 for more.

Eye tracking

Varjo headsets come with the 20/20 Eye Tracker, our integrated eye tracking functionality. You can use eye tracking in your applications and log information about gaze for analytics. Eye tracking can also be used to interact with content; you can select an object or prompt for additional information simply by looking at the object. Learn more about Varjo’s high-accuracy eye tracking on the Eye tracking page.

Hand Tracking

Hand tracking lets you reach into the virtual world with your hands and without using a physical controller. Gestures such as pinching, grabbing, and interacting with objects allow for a new level of immersion in your applications. Learn more about using Varjo devices with Ultraleap on the Hand tracking page.

Mixed Reality

Varjo’s mixed reality headsets combine VR and AR capabilities into one device. The cameras on the front plate of the headset allow you to see virtual objects in the real world. Alternatively, you can bring a part of the real world into the virtual environment. Learn more about mixed reality applications on the Mixed reality page.


The immerse audio experience Varjo headsets provide bring immersion and communication to a new level. Learn more about the audio playback and capture capabilities on the Audio page.

Third-party tracking systems

Developers are not limited to Inside-out and the SteamVR™ Tracking systems, as Varjo headsets work with a variety of tracking solutions. If you have a tracking solution in mind that you would prefer to use, you can add support for it using our Tracking Plugin API. Motion compensation API is also available for motion platforms. Learn more about third-party tracking solutions on the Third-party tracking systems page.

Developing without a headset

To develop applications that run on Varjo headsets or simply test their capabilities, you don’t need to wait for your own device to arrive — you can start developing right away by using the device emulator built into the Varjo Base software. To learn more, refer to Developer tools in Varjo Base.

System requirements

To see if your computer meets the system requirements for Varjo headsets, see the System requirements page.