Note: you are currently viewing documentation for a beta or an older version of Varjo
WebXR is a set of standards that, when used together, allow developers to develop applications in JavaScript that can run on our hardware.
The main standard WebXR Device API and extensions to it allow JavaScript to access our hardware. The speficification is just an interface, and it’s left to implementors to create WebXR viewers to implement the standard so customers can view and interact with applications that have been developed for WebXR. The typical viewer is compatible web-browser, but specific to the Windows platform both Chrome and Edge support WebXR today, which makes it easy to use with Varjo XR-4.
We have the following experimental support for our XR-4 devices using recent versions of Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome:
Feature | XR-4 |
WebXR Device API (core) | supported (1 |
WebXR Gamepads | supported |
WebXR Augmented Reality | not supported (2 |
WebXR Hit Test | not supported |
WebXR DOM Overlays | supported |
WebXR Layers | supported |
WebXR Anchors | not supported |
WebXR Lighting Estimation | not supported |
WebXR Hand Input | not supported (3 |
1) Varjo Controllers are confirmed to function correctly in addition to rest of the Device API.
2) It is currently unclear why the Augmented Reality mode is not working for XR-4.
3) The WebXR Hand Input is an experimental feature in both Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome.
We do not own the feature implementation in Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome, so there might be inacurracies in the information above over time. Please consult Microsoft or Google for the actual support in their web-browser for the most up-to-date and accurate information.
The feature set above is a combination of the web-engine implementaions as well as our supported OpenXR features.
There are some samples / tutorials available online which have been confirmed to work with Varjo XR-4: