Unreal OpenXR roadmap
Note: you are currently viewing documentation for a beta or an older version of Varjo
In April, we will release a new plugin for Unreal 4.26 that has been completely rebuilt using OpenXR. The plugin will work with the normal binary version of Unreal 4.26, which means that users will not need to rebuild Unreal Engine with Varjo’s forked version.
Support for some Varjo-specific functions such as markers and foveation will not be part of the first release, but will follow soon after.
Unreal OpenXR roadmap
This page contains the estimated timeline for supporting different Varjo features. Some OpenXR features work out-of-the-box with built-in Unreal OpenXR plugins, but require additional support from Varjo OpenXR runtime. Most Varjo-specific features will require Varjo OpenXR extension plugin and some features will require additional support from Unreal Engine. These timelines may still change. The roadmap will be kept up to date to reflect the latest plans.
March 2021
Multi pass VR rendering*, controller inputs and tracking supported with built-in Unreal OpenXR plugin**.
*Some post process effects not working correctly. See Performance and Visual Quality page for more info.
**Requires Varjo Base 3.0.5.
April 2021
First version of Varjo OpenXR extension plugin. Video see-through and depth estimation supported.
May 2021
Eye tracking supported with built-in Unreal OpenXREyeTracker plugin.
Summer 2021
Instanced stereo rendering, foveated rendering, VR view offset, Varjo Markers and most post process effects supported.