Getting started with Unreal

Note: you are currently viewing documentation for a beta or an older version of Varjo

When you are considering on which Unreal method suits best for you, consider all the pros and cons of different solutions.

Using Varjo Plugin Building Varjo Unreal Fork from Sources Using OpenXR API (BETA)
Select when you want to use all basic Varjo features and enable Varjo usage in a fast manner. Select when you want to use all Varjo features and you are familiar or have time to get familiar with the Unreal Engine building. Select when you have long term plans to move to the OpenXR usage and want to experiment with the current OpenXR features on Varjo headset.
- No compilation needed.
- All Varjo features, including gaze tracking and depth buffer sending for warp and VST occlusion (XR-1) are working.
- Additional post process fixes and performance (See Performance and Visual Guidance document subchapter)
- All Varjo features, including gaze tracking and depth buffer sending for warp and VST occlusion (XR-1) are working.
- No compilation needed.
- Not all post process effects are working.
- Compilation of Unreal engine needed.
- Not all Varjo features working, like gaze and depth buffer sending for better warp and VST occlusion (XR-1).
- Not all post process fixes are working.
Getting started with Manual Varjo plugin Getting started with UE fork Getting started with OpenXR