Known Issues
Note: you are currently viewing documentation for a beta or an older version of Varjo
Unity XR SDK Known Issues
All Render Pipelines
- SteamVR Tracker role ‘Held in hand (any)’ does not work with Unity Input System.
- Unity 2022 LTS onwards 2D UI cannot be overlayed on top of XR camera in builds. Unity issue tracker
High Defination Render Pipeline
- Enviroment cubemap does not work with IL2CPP.
Universal Render Pipeline
- Unity 2022 LTS onwards URP/Unlit masking materials do not work.
- Post processing causes foveation square to be visible.
- Camera.main.GetStereoProjectionMatrix() returns incorrect matrix.
Built-in Render Pipeline
- Real time lights cause foveation square to be visible on materials lit by them.
- Particles cause foveation square to be visible.