Varjo Native SDK
Varjo.h File Reference

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varjo_Bool varjo_IsAvailable ()
 Checks whether Varjo system is available. More...
const char * varjo_GetVersionString ()
 Gets the short version of the runtime. More...
const uint64_t varjo_GetVersion ()
 Gets the version number of the runtime. More...
struct varjo_Session * varjo_SessionInit (void)
 Initializes a Varjo client session. More...
void varjo_SessionShutDown (struct varjo_Session *session)
 Shuts down a session and releases all the resources internally allocated by Varjo session. More...
void varjo_SessionSetPriority (struct varjo_Session *session, int32_t priority)
 Sets session overlay priority. More...
varjo_Nanoseconds varjo_GetCurrentTime (struct varjo_Session *session)
 Gets the current time in a format that Varjo API uses. More...
struct varjo_FrameInfovarjo_CreateFrameInfo (struct varjo_Session *session)
 Creates a frame info with initial values. More...
void varjo_FreeFrameInfo (struct varjo_FrameInfo *frameInfo)
 Frees an allocated frame info. More...
void varjo_SetCenteredProjection (struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_Bool enabled)
 Forces the provided projection matrices to be centered. More...
int32_t varjo_GetViewCount (struct varjo_Session *session)
 Gets numbers of views. More...
struct varjo_AlignedView varjo_GetAlignedView (double *projectionMatrix)
 Gets an aligned view from a projection matrix. More...
void varjo_WaitSync (struct varjo_Session *session, struct varjo_FrameInfo *frameInfo)
 Called at the start of a frame. More...
varjo_Nanoseconds varjo_FrameGetDisplayTime (struct varjo_Session *session)
 Gets the time when the frame is scheduled to be displayed. More...
struct varjo_Matrix varjo_FrameGetPose (struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_PoseType type)
 Gets a pose for the current frame. More...
struct varjo_Matrix varjo_GetTrackingToLocalTransform (struct varjo_Session *session)
 Transform from tracking space to local client space. More...
struct varjo_Matrix varjo_GetRelativePoseTransform (struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_PoseType src, varjo_PoseType dest)
 Gets a relative transformation from source pose to destination pose. More...
struct varjo_Matrix varjo_ApplyTransform (struct varjo_Session *session, struct varjo_Matrix *m1, struct varjo_Matrix *m2)
 Applies transform using post multiplication. More...
void varjo_ResetPose (struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_Bool position, varjo_RotationReset rotation)
 Resets pose tracking origin. More...
struct varjo_ViewDescription varjo_GetViewDescription (struct varjo_Session *session, int32_t viewIndex)
 Gets the display information for a given view. More...
struct varjo_Mesh2Dfvarjo_CreateOcclusionMesh (struct varjo_Session *session, int32_t viewIndex, varjo_WindingOrder windingOrder)
 Creates the occlusion mesh for a given view index. More...
void varjo_FreeOcclusionMesh (struct varjo_Mesh2Df *mesh)
 Frees the memory allocated by varjo_CreateOcclusionMesh. More...
varjo_Error varjo_GetError (struct varjo_Session *session)
 Gets the latest error code. More...
const char * varjo_GetErrorDesc (varjo_Error error)
 Gets error description for the specified error code. More...
void varjo_GazeInit (struct varjo_Session *session)
 Initializes the gaze tracking system. More...
void varjo_GazeInitWithParameters (struct varjo_Session *session, struct varjo_GazeParameters *parameters, int32_t parameterCount)
 Initializes the gaze tracking system with provided parameters. More...
varjo_Bool varjo_IsGazeAllowed (struct varjo_Session *session)
 Is gaze allowed to be used? More...
void varjo_RequestGazeCalibration (struct varjo_Session *session)
 Requests a HMD gaze calibration. More...
void varjo_RequestGazeCalibrationWithParameters (struct varjo_Session *session, struct varjo_GazeCalibrationParameters *parameters, int32_t parameterCount)
 Requests a HMD gaze calibration with provided parameters. More...
struct varjo_Gaze varjo_GetGaze (struct varjo_Session *session)
 Gets the current state of the user gaze. More...
int32_t varjo_GetGazeArray (struct varjo_Session *session, struct varjo_Gaze *array, int32_t maxSize)
 Gets gaze measurements since last query. More...
void varjo_SyncProperties (struct varjo_Session *session)
 Updates and synchronizes system properties with the system state. More...
int32_t varjo_GetPropertyCount (struct varjo_Session *session)
 Gets the number of system properties. More...
varjo_PropertyKey varjo_GetPropertyKey (struct varjo_Session *session, int32_t index)
 Gets a property key for a property index. More...
const char * varjo_GetPropertyName (struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_PropertyKey propertyKey)
 Gets the name of the property key. More...
varjo_Bool varjo_HasProperty (struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_PropertyKey propertyKey)
 Checks if the key has value in the properties. More...
varjo_Bool varjo_GetPropertyBool (struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_PropertyKey propertyKey)
 Gets a boolean value of a property. More...
double varjo_GetPropertyDouble (struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_PropertyKey propertyKey)
 Gets a floating point value of a property. More...
int32_t varjo_GetPropertyInt (struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_PropertyKey propertyKey)
 Gets an integer value of a property. More...
void varjo_GetPropertyString (struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_PropertyKey propertyKey, char *buffer, uint32_t maxSize)
 Gets a string value of a property. More...
uint32_t varjo_GetPropertyStringSize (struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_PropertyKey propertyKey)
 Gets the size of a buffer that is big enough to hold the property, including the null terminator. More...
struct varjo_SwapChainLimits varjo_GetSwapChainLimits (struct varjo_Session *session)
 Gets swap chain limits. More...
void varjo_GetSupportedTextureFormats (struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_RenderAPI renderApi, int32_t *formatCount, varjo_TextureFormat *formats)
 Gets supported texture formats in the order of most preferred to least preferred. More...
struct varjo_Eventvarjo_AllocateEvent ()
 Allocates an event. More...
void varjo_FreeEvent (struct varjo_Event *event)
 Free an event. More...
varjo_Bool varjo_PollEvent (struct varjo_Session *session, struct varjo_Event *evt)
 Polls events. More...
void varjo_GetTextureSize (struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_TextureSize_Type type, int32_t viewIndex, int32_t *width, int32_t *height)
 Gets texture size for specific varjo_TextureSize_type and view index. More...
void varjo_D3D12UpdateVariableRateShadingTexture (struct varjo_Session *session, struct ID3D12GraphicsCommandList *commandList, struct ID3D12Resource *texture, struct varjo_VariableRateShadingConfig *config)
 Creates variable rate shading texture. More...
varjo_Bool varjo_GetRenderingGaze (struct varjo_Session *session, struct varjo_Gaze *gaze)
 Returns gaze which can be used for foveated rendering or to generate variable rate shading texture. More...
struct varjo_FovTangents varjo_GetFoveatedFovTangents (struct varjo_Session *session, int32_t indexView, struct varjo_Gaze *gaze, struct varjo_FoveatedFovTangents_Hints *hints)
 Returns foveated view tangents for a given index and gaze vector. More...
struct varjo_FovTangents varjo_GetFovTangents (struct varjo_Session *session, int32_t viewIndex)
 Returns tangents for a given view index. More...

Function Documentation

◆ varjo_AllocateEvent()

struct varjo_Event* varjo_AllocateEvent ( )

Allocates an event.

Helper function if you don't want to do the allocation by yourself.

Allocated event.

◆ varjo_ApplyTransform()

struct varjo_Matrix varjo_ApplyTransform ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
struct varjo_Matrix m1,
struct varjo_Matrix m2 

Applies transform using post multiplication.

sessionVarjo session handle.
m1First transform.
m2Second transform.
Second transformation applied to the first one.

◆ varjo_CreateFrameInfo()

struct varjo_FrameInfo* varjo_CreateFrameInfo ( struct varjo_Session *  session)

Creates a frame info with initial values.

Allocates enough data to hold all of the views.

Use varjo_FreeFrameInfo to free the allocated memory.

sessionVarjo session handle.
Frame info.

◆ varjo_CreateOcclusionMesh()

struct varjo_Mesh2Df* varjo_CreateOcclusionMesh ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
int32_t  viewIndex,
varjo_WindingOrder  windingOrder 

Creates the occlusion mesh for a given view index.

Due to lens distortion some display pixels are not visible in the optical path so the application can stencil out pixels to reduce shading workload and improve performance.

Mesh data is a triangle list where each triplet of vertices forms a triangle.

Use varjo_FreeOcclusionMesh to free the created mesh.

sessionVarjo session handle.
viewIndexView number to get the occlusion mesh for. Must be in range [0, varjo_GetViewCount - 1].
windingOrderWinding order of the triangles
Occlusion mesh, null if the viewIndex invalid.

◆ varjo_D3D12UpdateVariableRateShadingTexture()

void varjo_D3D12UpdateVariableRateShadingTexture ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
struct ID3D12GraphicsCommandList *  commandList,
struct ID3D12Resource *  texture,
struct varjo_VariableRateShadingConfig config 

Creates variable rate shading texture.

This function will add execution of compute shader which will calculate best possible VRS map based on flags. Command list should be executed as late as possible to get most recent gaze. Function should be called as many times as there are views: 4 or 2.

Texture has to be in D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_UNORDERED_ACCESS state.

See also
varjo_VariableRateShadingConfig for details.
sessionVarjo session handle.
commandListD3D12 command list.
textureTexture which will be used as VRS map.
configConfiguration flags.

◆ varjo_FrameGetDisplayTime()

varjo_Nanoseconds varjo_FrameGetDisplayTime ( struct varjo_Session *  session)

Gets the time when the frame is scheduled to be displayed.

This time refers to the average perceived moment of when the image is shown.

The display time is updated in varjo_WaitSync and is guaranteed to remain constant for the duration of the frame.

This is a helper function for when you don't have access to varjo_FrameInfo.

sessionVarjo session handle.
Nanoseconds since epoch.

◆ varjo_FrameGetPose()

struct varjo_Matrix varjo_FrameGetPose ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
varjo_PoseType  type 

Gets a pose for the current frame.

If it's called before varjo_WaitSync() is complete, it will return new pose. Following calls to varjo_FrameGetPose() will return the same matrix. varjo_WaitSync() will also derive it's matrices from that pose. If varjo_FrameGetPose() is called after varjo_WaitSync() it will derive matrices from that pose.

sessionVarjo session handle.
typeType of the pose.
The pose matrix.

◆ varjo_FreeEvent()

void varjo_FreeEvent ( struct varjo_Event event)

Free an event.

Must be allocated with varjo_AllocateEvent.

eventEvent to free.

◆ varjo_FreeFrameInfo()

void varjo_FreeFrameInfo ( struct varjo_FrameInfo frameInfo)

Frees an allocated frame info.

frameInfoFrame info to free.

◆ varjo_FreeOcclusionMesh()

void varjo_FreeOcclusionMesh ( struct varjo_Mesh2Df mesh)

Frees the memory allocated by varjo_CreateOcclusionMesh.

meshOcclusion mesh to free.

◆ varjo_GazeInit()

void varjo_GazeInit ( struct varjo_Session *  session)

Initializes the gaze tracking system.

sessionVarjo session handle.

◆ varjo_GazeInitWithParameters()

void varjo_GazeInitWithParameters ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
struct varjo_GazeParameters parameters,
int32_t  parameterCount 

Initializes the gaze tracking system with provided parameters.

sessionVarjo session handle.
parametersGaze key-value parameters.
parameterCountNumber of parameters provided.

◆ varjo_GetAlignedView()

struct varjo_AlignedView varjo_GetAlignedView ( double *  projectionMatrix)

Gets an aligned view from a projection matrix.

Note: the projection matrix from varjo_FrameInfo might not always be axis aligned.

projectionMatrixProjection matrix.
Aligned view.

◆ varjo_GetCurrentTime()

varjo_Nanoseconds varjo_GetCurrentTime ( struct varjo_Session *  session)

Gets the current time in a format that Varjo API uses.

This is a realtime monotonic counter since system-specific starting point and is not affected by time-of-day setting.

sessionVarjo session handle.
Nanoseconds since epoch.

◆ varjo_GetError()

varjo_Error varjo_GetError ( struct varjo_Session *  session)

Gets the latest error code.

You should check for errors at least once a frame.

Error status will be cleared after this function.

Use varjo_GetErrorDesc to get more detailed error description.

Error code if there was an error, varjo_NoError if there wasn't.

◆ varjo_GetErrorDesc()

const char* varjo_GetErrorDesc ( varjo_Error  error)

Gets error description for the specified error code.

Error description string.

◆ varjo_GetFoveatedFovTangents()

struct varjo_FovTangents varjo_GetFoveatedFovTangents ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
int32_t  indexView,
struct varjo_Gaze gaze,
struct varjo_FoveatedFovTangents_Hints hints 

Returns foveated view tangents for a given index and gaze vector.

varjo_Error_GazeInvalid error will be set if the provided gaze is not valid.

sessionVarjo session handle
indexViewView index in range [0, varjo_GetViewCount() - 1].
gazeA valid gaze, returned by varjo_GetRenderingGaze().
hintsA non-null pointer to a varjo_FoveatedFovTangents_Hints struct.
Foveated tangents for the given view.
See also

◆ varjo_GetFovTangents()

struct varjo_FovTangents varjo_GetFovTangents ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
int32_t  viewIndex 

Returns tangents for a given view index.

sessionVarjo session handle
viewIndexView index in range [0, varjo_GetViewCount() - 1].
Tangents for the given view.
See also

◆ varjo_GetGaze()

struct varjo_Gaze varjo_GetGaze ( struct varjo_Session *  session)

Gets the current state of the user gaze.

Gaze system must have been previously initialized by calling varjo_GazeInit or varjo_GazeInitWithParameters.

sessionVarjo session handle.
Current state of the user gaze.

◆ varjo_GetGazeArray()

int32_t varjo_GetGazeArray ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
struct varjo_Gaze array,
int32_t  maxSize 

Gets gaze measurements since last query.

Gaze system must have been previously initialized by calling varjo_GazeInit or varjo_GazeInitWithParameters.

sessionVarjo session handle.
arrayArray of varjo_Gaze structures
maxSizeNumber of elements in array
Number of items written to array

◆ varjo_GetPropertyBool()

varjo_Bool varjo_GetPropertyBool ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
varjo_PropertyKey  propertyKey 

Gets a boolean value of a property.

sessionVarjo session handle.
propertyKeyThe property key.
Value of a boolean property if exists, false if the property does not exist. Undefined if the key type is not a boolean.

◆ varjo_GetPropertyCount()

int32_t varjo_GetPropertyCount ( struct varjo_Session *  session)

Gets the number of system properties.

sessionVarjo session handle.
Number of system properties.

◆ varjo_GetPropertyDouble()

double varjo_GetPropertyDouble ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
varjo_PropertyKey  propertyKey 

Gets a floating point value of a property.

sessionVarjo session handle.
propertyKeyThe property key.
Value of a floating point property if exists, 0.0 if the property does not exist. Undefined if the key type is not a float.

◆ varjo_GetPropertyInt()

int32_t varjo_GetPropertyInt ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
varjo_PropertyKey  propertyKey 

Gets an integer value of a property.

sessionVarjo session handle.
propertyKeyThe property key.
Value of an integer property if exists, 0 if the property does not exist. Undefined if the key type is not an integer.

◆ varjo_GetPropertyKey()

varjo_PropertyKey varjo_GetPropertyKey ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
int32_t  index 

Gets a property key for a property index.

sessionVarjo session handle.
indexZero-based index.
Key at index location in the properties. 0 if the key index is out of bounds.

◆ varjo_GetPropertyName()

const char* varjo_GetPropertyName ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
varjo_PropertyKey  propertyKey 

Gets the name of the property key.

sessionVarjo session handle.
propertyKeyThe property key.
Name of the property key.

◆ varjo_GetPropertyString()

void varjo_GetPropertyString ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
varjo_PropertyKey  propertyKey,
char *  buffer,
uint32_t  maxSize 

Gets a string value of a property.

A null-terminated string will be returned to the given buffer. The string will not be copied if the size is smaller than the length of the property string + 1 (null terminator), i.e. truncation will not happen.

sessionVarjo session handle.
propertyKeyThe property key.
bufferPointer to a char buffer.
maxSizeSize of the given char buffer.

◆ varjo_GetPropertyStringSize()

uint32_t varjo_GetPropertyStringSize ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
varjo_PropertyKey  propertyKey 

Gets the size of a buffer that is big enough to hold the property, including the null terminator.

sessionVarjo session handle.
propertyKeyThe property key.
Size of a buffer that is big enough to hold the string. If the string is empty, the return value will be 1 (for the null terminator), and 0 if the property key does not exist or is not of a string type.

◆ varjo_GetRelativePoseTransform()

struct varjo_Matrix varjo_GetRelativePoseTransform ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
varjo_PoseType  src,
varjo_PoseType  dest 

Gets a relative transformation from source pose to destination pose.

sessionVarjo session handle.
srcSource pose.
destDestination pose.
Relative transformation from source pose to destination pose.

◆ varjo_GetRenderingGaze()

varjo_Bool varjo_GetRenderingGaze ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
struct varjo_Gaze gaze 

Returns gaze which can be used for foveated rendering or to generate variable rate shading texture.

It may not be the same as the one returned by varjo_GetGaze(). For example, it handles eye blinks and doesn't return invalid gaze in those cases.

varjo_Error_NullPointer error will be set if the gaze pointer is null.

sessionVarjo session handle.
gazeA pointer to valid varjo_Gaze.
True if there is a valid gaze, otherwise false.

◆ varjo_GetSupportedTextureFormats()

void varjo_GetSupportedTextureFormats ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
varjo_RenderAPI  renderApi,
int32_t *  formatCount,
varjo_TextureFormat formats 

Gets supported texture formats in the order of most preferred to least preferred.

To allocate memory for the formats output buffer, you should first call this function by passing null formats and query the count for the formats.

sessionVarjo session handle.
renderApiRendering API being used.
formatCountOutput pointer for the format count. Cannot be null.
formatsOutput pointer for the formats. Can be null.

◆ varjo_GetSwapChainLimits()

struct varjo_SwapChainLimits varjo_GetSwapChainLimits ( struct varjo_Session *  session)

Gets swap chain limits.

sessionVarjo session handle.
Swap chain limits.

◆ varjo_GetTextureSize()

void varjo_GetTextureSize ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
varjo_TextureSize_Type  type,
int32_t  viewIndex,
int32_t *  width,
int32_t *  height 

Gets texture size for specific varjo_TextureSize_type and view index.

Check varjo_TextureSize_Type description for details about different varjo_TextureSize_type.

sessionVarjo session handle.
typeRequeste texture size type.
viewIndexView index.
widthA pointer to an int which will contain width (cannot be null).
heightA pointer to an int which will contain height (cannot be null).

◆ varjo_GetTrackingToLocalTransform()

struct varjo_Matrix varjo_GetTrackingToLocalTransform ( struct varjo_Session *  session)

Transform from tracking space to local client space.

Client space may differ from tracking space if: client has explicitly called varjo_ResetPose or by implicit change of tracking origin for all clients. Client should use varjo_GetTrackingToLocalTransform() in order to sync tracking space poses (e.g. controller poses) with client local space poses.

sessionVarjo session handle.
The pose offset matrix.

◆ varjo_GetVersion()

const uint64_t varjo_GetVersion ( )

Gets the version number of the runtime.

Use VARJO_MAKE_VERSION macro to create a version that can be then used to test against the returned version number.

Note that VarjoLib version is stored in VARJO_VERSION define.

eg. VARJO_MAKE_VERSION(0, 7, 0, 0) >= varjo_GetVersion()

Installed Varjo runtime version number.

◆ varjo_GetVersionString()

const char* varjo_GetVersionString ( )

Gets the short version of the runtime.

Eg. "".

Installed Varjo runtime version string.

◆ varjo_GetViewCount()

int32_t varjo_GetViewCount ( struct varjo_Session *  session)

Gets numbers of views.

sessionVarjo session handle.

◆ varjo_GetViewDescription()

struct varjo_ViewDescription varjo_GetViewDescription ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
int32_t  viewIndex 

Gets the display information for a given view.

Use this to retrieve information about which display or eye the given view belongs to.

varjo_ViewDescription also contains the recommended render texture dimensions. Use varjo_GetTextureSize to query sizes for various different purposes (for example, best quality rendering).

sessionVarjo session handle.
viewIndexView number to get the display information for. Must be in range [0, varjo_GetViewCount - 1].
View description.

◆ varjo_HasProperty()

varjo_Bool varjo_HasProperty ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
varjo_PropertyKey  propertyKey 

Checks if the key has value in the properties.

sessionVarjo session handle.
propertyKeyThe property key.
1 if the property key has a value, 0 if the value doesn't exist.

◆ varjo_IsAvailable()

varjo_Bool varjo_IsAvailable ( )

Checks whether Varjo system is available.

If varjo_IsAvailable() returns false, it is guaranteed that the session cannot be initialized. If this returns true, application may try initiating a new session.

This call executes fast and can be called per frame unlike varjo_SessionInit.

0 if Varjo system is not available, 1 if it is available.

◆ varjo_IsGazeAllowed()

varjo_Bool varjo_IsGazeAllowed ( struct varjo_Session *  session)

Is gaze allowed to be used?

User can disallow gaze tracking completely.

sessionVarjo session handle.
varjo_True if gaze is allowed to be used, varjo_False otherwise.

◆ varjo_PollEvent()

varjo_Bool varjo_PollEvent ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
struct varjo_Event evt 

Polls events.

Holds the latest 100 events in the queue. If the queue size exceeds that, starts dropping events starting from the oldest. Make sure to call often enough (eg. once per frame) if you don't want to miss an event.

Use this in a loop to go through all of the queued events.

sessionVarjo session handle.
evtEvent to receive data to.
varjo_True if there was an event, varjo_False if all events have been processed.

◆ varjo_RequestGazeCalibration()

void varjo_RequestGazeCalibration ( struct varjo_Session *  session)

Requests a HMD gaze calibration.

This attempts to trigger the gaze calibration sequence if the user has allowed gaze tracking from Varjo settings and Varjo system is in a state where it can bring up the calibration UI.

sessionVarjo session handle.

◆ varjo_RequestGazeCalibrationWithParameters()

void varjo_RequestGazeCalibrationWithParameters ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
struct varjo_GazeCalibrationParameters parameters,
int32_t  parameterCount 

Requests a HMD gaze calibration with provided parameters.

This attempts to trigger the gaze calibration sequence if the user has allowed gaze tracking from Varjo settings and Varjo system is in a state where it can bring up the calibration UI.

sessionVarjo session handle.
parametersGaze calibration key-value parameters.
parameterCountNumber of parameters provided.

◆ varjo_ResetPose()

void varjo_ResetPose ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
varjo_Bool  position,
varjo_RotationReset  rotation 

Resets pose tracking origin.

This will reset the tracking origin to the current transform of the user. rotation parameter can be used to reset only some components of the transform.

sessionVarjo session handle.
positionReset position
rotationRotation reset type

◆ varjo_SessionInit()

struct varjo_Session* varjo_SessionInit ( void  )

Initializes a Varjo client session.

varjo_SessionInit initializes a new Varjo session and returns an opaque pointer handle representing the session which should be passed to all Varjo API calls that are related to this session. When done, the session needs to be cleaned up by calling varjo_SessionShutDown.

There can be multiple simultaneous sessions, but generally applications don't need more than one. Single session can be shared between different threads.

◆ varjo_SessionSetPriority()

void varjo_SessionSetPriority ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
int32_t  priority 

Sets session overlay priority.

All sessions are grouped based on this value. Only one session from a group is displayed. Higher priority sessions are overlaid on top of lower priority one's.

sessionVarjo session handle.
priorityVarjo session priority. Negative values allowed. Zero on SessionInit by default.

◆ varjo_SessionShutDown()

void varjo_SessionShutDown ( struct varjo_Session *  session)

Shuts down a session and releases all the resources internally allocated by Varjo session.

Session pointer will become invalid after calling this function.

sessionVarjo session handle.

◆ varjo_SetCenteredProjection()

void varjo_SetCenteredProjection ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
varjo_Bool  enabled 

Forces the provided projection matrices to be centered.

This may result in suboptimal resolution.

sessionVarjo session handle.
enabledTrue, if the matrices need to be centered. False if off-center projection is ok.

◆ varjo_SyncProperties()

void varjo_SyncProperties ( struct varjo_Session *  session)

Updates and synchronizes system properties with the system state.

sessionVarjo session handle.

◆ varjo_WaitSync()

void varjo_WaitSync ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
struct varjo_FrameInfo frameInfo 

Called at the start of a frame.

Obtains required metadata for the frame and blocks until optimal time to start rendering so that the application can use the latest possible pose data. In some cases, compositor may block the call for longer duration. (e.g. if it has something else to display.)

varjo_WaitSync() and varjo_FrameGetPose() will always derive matrixes from the same pose. So it's safe to call varjo_FrameGetPose() before varjo_WaitSync() is complete.

sessionVarjo session handle.
frameInfoOutput pointer for frame info.