Varjo Native SDK
Varjo_datastream.h File Reference

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int32_t varjo_GetDataStreamConfigCount (struct varjo_Session *session)
 Get number of available stream configurations. More...
void varjo_GetDataStreamConfigs (struct varjo_Session *session, struct varjo_StreamConfig *configs, int32_t maxSize)
 Get available data stream configurations. More...
void varjo_StartDataStream (struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_StreamId id, varjo_ChannelFlag channels, varjo_FrameListener *callback, void *userData)
 Start frame streaming into the provided callback. More...
void varjo_StopDataStream (struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_StreamId id)
 Stop frame streaming. More...
VARJO_DEPRECATED_API struct varjo_CameraIntrinsics varjo_GetCameraIntrinsics (struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_StreamId id, int64_t frameNumber, varjo_ChannelIndex index)
 Get camera intrinsics for the current frame. More...
struct varjo_CameraIntrinsics2 varjo_GetCameraIntrinsics2 (struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_StreamId id, int64_t frameNumber, varjo_ChannelIndex index)
 Get camera intrinsics for the current frame. More...
struct varjo_Matrix varjo_GetCameraExtrinsics (struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_StreamId id, int64_t frameNumber, varjo_ChannelIndex index)
 Get camera extrinsics for the current frame. More...
varjo_BufferId varjo_GetBufferId (struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_StreamId id, int64_t frameNumber, varjo_ChannelIndex index)
 Get bufferId for the current frame. More...
void varjo_LockDataStreamBuffer (struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_BufferId id)
 Lock a data stream buffer for reading. More...
void varjo_UnlockDataStreamBuffer (struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_BufferId id)
struct varjo_BufferMetadata varjo_GetBufferMetadata (struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_BufferId id)
 Get buffer related metadata. More...
struct varjo_Texture varjo_GetBufferGPUData (struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_BufferId id)
 Get data buffer if it resides in the GPU memory (can be checked with varjo_BufferMetadata::type). More...
void * varjo_GetBufferCPUData (struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_BufferId id)
 Get data buffer if it resides in the CPU memory (can be checked with varjo_BufferMetadata::type). More...

Function Documentation

◆ varjo_GetBufferCPUData()

void* varjo_GetBufferCPUData ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
varjo_BufferId  id 

Get data buffer if it resides in the CPU memory (can be checked with varjo_BufferMetadata::type).

The buffer must be locked (varjo_LockDataStreamBuffer) before calling this function. After that it is possible to call this function from any thread.

Possible errors: varjo_Error_OperationFailed, varjo_Error_NotAvailable, varjo_Error_CapabilityNotAvailable, varjo_Error_DataStreamBufferNotLocked, varjo_Error_DataStreamBufferInvalidId

sessionVarjo session handle.
idBuffer ID.
CPU buffer or nullptr if in case the buffer does not exist.

◆ varjo_GetBufferGPUData()

struct varjo_Texture varjo_GetBufferGPUData ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
varjo_BufferId  id 

Get data buffer if it resides in the GPU memory (can be checked with varjo_BufferMetadata::type).

The buffer must be locked (varjo_LockDataStreamBuffer) before calling this function. After that it is possible to call this function from any thread.

Possible errors: varjo_Error_OperationFailed, varjo_Error_NotAvailable, varjo_Error_CapabilityNotAvailable, varjo_Error_DataStreamBufferNotLocked, varjo_Error_DataStreamBufferInvalidId

sessionVarjo session handle.
idBuffer ID.
GPU buffer handle or filled with zeroes in case the buffer does not exist.

◆ varjo_GetBufferId()

varjo_BufferId varjo_GetBufferId ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
varjo_StreamId  id,
int64_t  frameNumber,
varjo_ChannelIndex  index 

Get bufferId for the current frame.

This Id can be used to obtain metadata (varjo_GetBufferMetadata), CPU data buffer (varjo_GetBufferCPUData) and GPU data buffer (varjo_GetBufferGPUData).

Note: This data is only available for certain streams. The availability can be checked from varjo_StreamFrame's dataFlags. Note: It is only valid to call this function from the frame callback. Otherwise it will fail.

Possible errors: varjo_Error_OperationFailed, varjo_Error_NotAvailable, varjo_Error_CapabilityNotAvailable, varjo_Error_DataStreamInvalidId, varjo_Error_DataStreamFrameExpired, varjo_Error_DataStreamDataNotAvailable

sessionVarjo session handle.
idStream ID.
frameNumberFrame number that is specified in varjo_StreamFrame.
indexChannel index for the data.
buffer id for the frame or varjo_InvalidId value if the frame does not have a buffer.

◆ varjo_GetBufferMetadata()

struct varjo_BufferMetadata varjo_GetBufferMetadata ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
varjo_BufferId  id 

Get buffer related metadata.

The buffer must be locked (varjo_LockDataStreamBuffer) before calling this function. After that it is possible to call this function from any thread.

Possible errors: varjo_Error_OperationFailed, varjo_Error_NotAvailable, varjo_Error_CapabilityNotAvailable, varjo_Error_DataStreamBufferNotLocked, varjo_Error_DataStreamBufferInvalidId

sessionVarjo session handle.
idBuffer ID.
Buffer metadata or unspecified value in case the buffer does not exist.

◆ varjo_GetCameraExtrinsics()

struct varjo_Matrix varjo_GetCameraExtrinsics ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
varjo_StreamId  id,
int64_t  frameNumber,
varjo_ChannelIndex  index 

Get camera extrinsics for the current frame.

Note: This data is only available for certain streams. The availability can be checked from varjo_StreamFrame's dataFlags. Note: It is only valid to call this function from the frame callback. Otherwise it will fail.

Possible errors: varjo_Error_OperationFailed, varjo_Error_NotAvailable, varjo_Error_CapabilityNotAvailable, varjo_Error_DataStreamInvalidId, varjo_Error_DataStreamFrameExpired, varjo_Error_DataStreamDataNotAvailable

sessionVarjo session handle.
idStream ID.
frameNumberFrame number that is specified in varjo_StreamFrame.
indexChannel index for the data.
camera extrinsics for the frame or unspecified value if the frame does not have extrinsics.

◆ varjo_GetCameraIntrinsics()

VARJO_DEPRECATED_API struct varjo_CameraIntrinsics varjo_GetCameraIntrinsics ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
varjo_StreamId  id,
int64_t  frameNumber,
varjo_ChannelIndex  index 

Get camera intrinsics for the current frame.

Note: Use varjo_GetCameraIntrinsics2 instead. Note: This struct type is deprecated because of limited support for camera models.

Possible errors: varjo_Error_OperationFailed, varjo_Error_NotAvailable, varjo_Error_CapabilityNotAvailable, varjo_Error_DataStreamInvalidId, varjo_Error_DataStreamFrameExpired, varjo_Error_DataStreamDataNotAvailable

sessionVarjo session handle.
idStream ID.
frameNumberFrame number that is specified in varjo_StreamFrame.
indexChannel index for the data.
camera intrinsics for the frame or unspecified value if the frame does not have intrinsics.

◆ varjo_GetCameraIntrinsics2()

struct varjo_CameraIntrinsics2 varjo_GetCameraIntrinsics2 ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
varjo_StreamId  id,
int64_t  frameNumber,
varjo_ChannelIndex  index 

Get camera intrinsics for the current frame.

Note: This data is only available for certain streams. The availability can be checked from varjo_StreamFrame's dataFlags. Note: It is only valid to call this function from the frame callback. Otherwise it will fail.

Possible errors: varjo_Error_OperationFailed, varjo_Error_NotAvailable, varjo_Error_CapabilityNotAvailable, varjo_Error_DataStreamInvalidId, varjo_Error_DataStreamFrameExpired, varjo_Error_DataStreamDataNotAvailable

sessionVarjo session handle.
idStream ID.
frameNumberFrame number that is specified in varjo_StreamFrame.
indexChannel index for the data.
camera intrinsics for the frame or unspecified value if the frame does not have intrinsics.

◆ varjo_GetDataStreamConfigCount()

int32_t varjo_GetDataStreamConfigCount ( struct varjo_Session *  session)

Get number of available stream configurations.

Possible errors: varjo_Error_OperationFailed, varjo_Error_NotAvailable, varjo_Error_CapabilityNotAvailable

sessionVarjo session handle.

◆ varjo_GetDataStreamConfigs()

void varjo_GetDataStreamConfigs ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
struct varjo_StreamConfig configs,
int32_t  maxSize 

Get available data stream configurations.

The needed size for the 'configs' output parameter can be obtained by calling varjo_GetDataStreamConfigCount.

Possible errors: varjo_Error_OperationFailed, varjo_Error_NotAvailable, varjo_Error_CapabilityNotAvailable

sessionVarjo session handle.
configsFills this array with the available data stream configs. Can return multiple different configurations for the same stream: e.g. RawColor could delivered either to CPU or GPU memory. These will be returned as separate varjo_StreamConfig objects.
maxSizeMaximum amount of values that fit into 'configs'. If this is < varjo_GetDataStreamConfigCount, the resulting list will be truncated.

◆ varjo_LockDataStreamBuffer()

void varjo_LockDataStreamBuffer ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
varjo_BufferId  id 

Lock a data stream buffer for reading.

The buffer must be locked from inside the frame callback.

Prefer releasing the lock as fast as possible as new frames stop from arriving when a buffer lock is being held. This applies as follows: as long as there is one or more (e.g. left or right channel) buffers locked for a certain frame, no new frames for that particular stream will be provided in the callback. In other words holding the lock for a long time will cause frames to drop.

When the buffer is locked it can be consumed from any thread (e.g. render thread for GPU textures).

Note: A locked buffer will become invalid after calling varjo_StopStream for the corresponding stream. In other words: the buffers do not outlive the streams lifetime.

Possible errors: varjo_Error_OperationFailed, varjo_Error_NotAvailable, varjo_Error_CapabilityNotAvailable, varjo_Error_DataStreamBufferAlreadyLocked, varjo_Error_DataStreamBufferInvalidId

sessionVarjo session handle.
idBuffer ID.

◆ varjo_StartDataStream()

void varjo_StartDataStream ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
varjo_StreamId  id,
varjo_ChannelFlag  channels,
varjo_FrameListener callback,
void *  userData 

Start frame streaming into the provided callback.

Frames are not queued. If the previous callback has not been finished when new frames arrive, the new frames are dropped.

Callback will arrive from a worker thread.

Note: the callback is not quaranteed to always arrive from the same worker thread. Note: provided callback and user data instances must be valid and operational at all times until the data stream is stopped by calling varjo_StopDataStream.

Possible errors: varjo_Error_OperationFailed, varjo_Error_NotAvailable, varjo_Error_CapabilityNotAvailable, varjo_Error_DataStreamInvalidCallback, varjo_Error_DataStreamInvalidId, varjo_Error_DataStreamAlreadyInUse

sessionVarjo session handle.
idStream to subscribe to. Stream ID can be found from varjo_StreamConfig.
channelsChannels to subscribe to. Available channels can be found from varjo_StreamConfig.
callbackCallback which receives the new frames.
userDataOptional user controlled parameter that will be passed as-is as the second parameter for 'callback'. Varjo stack does not access the data. Can be nullptr.

◆ varjo_StopDataStream()

void varjo_StopDataStream ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
varjo_StreamId  id 

Stop frame streaming.

There might be calls into the callback while executing this function, but after the function has returned the callback is guaranteed not to be called anymore.

Stopping the frame stream releases and invalidates all data related to the stream. e.g. buffers that are currently locked will get implicitly released and should not be used after stopping.

Possible errors: varjo_Error_OperationFailed, varjo_Error_NotAvailable, varjo_Error_CapabilityNotAvailable, varjo_Error_DataStreamInvalidId, varjo_Error_DataStreamNotInUse

sessionVarjo session handle.
idStream ID.

◆ varjo_UnlockDataStreamBuffer()

void varjo_UnlockDataStreamBuffer ( struct varjo_Session *  session,
varjo_BufferId  id 