Varjo Native SDK
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10 #if defined __cplusplus
438 #if defined __cplusplus
int32_t varjo_MRGetChromaKeyConfigCount(struct varjo_Session *session)
Get number of chroma key config indices supported.
void varjo_MRGetCameraPropertyValues(struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_CameraPropertyType prop, struct varjo_CameraPropertyValue *values, int32_t maxSize)
Get possible manual property values.
void varjo_MRSetCameraPropertyValue(struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_CameraPropertyType type, const struct varjo_CameraPropertyValue *value)
Sets manual property value.
union varjo_CameraValue value
Value union. Determine from 'type' which element to access.
Definition: Varjo_types_mr.h:109
varjo_ChromaKeyType type
Chroma key type.
Definition: Varjo_types_mr.h:51
int32_t varjo_MRGetCameraPropertyValueCount(struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_CameraPropertyType prop)
Get amount of possible manual camera property values.
int64_t varjo_CameraPropertyType
Camera property types that can be accessed to control video pass through cameras.
Definition: Varjo_types_mr.h:78
struct varjo_CameraPropertyValue varjo_MRGetCameraPropertyValue(struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_CameraPropertyType type)
Returns the latest manual property value set with varjo_MRSetCameraPropertyValue for the given proper...
void varjo_MRSetVideoDepthEstimation(struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_Bool enabled)
Start depth estimation for the video pass through image.
VARJO_DEPRECATED_API varjo_Bool varjo_MRLockChromaKeyConfig(struct varjo_Session *session)
Try to lock the chroma key configuration.
int32_t varjo_Bool
Definition: Varjo_types.h:135
int64_t varjo_CameraPropertyConfigType
Camera property config type.
Definition: Varjo_types_mr.h:61
struct varjo_ChromaKeyConfig varjo_MRGetChromaKeyConfig(struct varjo_Session *session, int32_t index)
Get currently applied chroma keying configuration for given index.
int32_t varjo_MRGetCameraPropertyModeCount(struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_CameraPropertyType prop)
Get amount of camera property modes.
varjo_CameraPropertyDataType type
Data type for this value.
Definition: Varjo_types_mr.h:108
VARJO_DEPRECATED_API void varjo_MRUnlockCameraConfig(struct varjo_Session *session)
Unlock previously locked camera configuration.
void varjo_MRGetCameraPropertyModes(struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_CameraPropertyType prop, varjo_CameraPropertyMode *modes, int32_t maxSize)
Get available property modes.
void varjo_MRSetChromaKeyGlobal(struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_Bool enabled)
Enables video pass through and starts chroma keying for all application layers regardless if they hav...
varjo_Bool varjo_Lock(struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_LockType lockType)
Try to lock the given lock type.
varjo_CameraPropertyMode varjo_MRGetCameraPropertyMode(struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_CameraPropertyType type)
Returns currently set mode for given property type.
void varjo_MRSetChromaKey(struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_Bool enabled)
Start chroma keying for the video pass through image.
VARJO_DEPRECATED_API varjo_Bool varjo_MRLockCameraConfig(struct varjo_Session *session)
Try to lock the camera configuration.
void varjo_MRSetChromaKeyConfig(struct varjo_Session *session, int32_t index, const struct varjo_ChromaKeyConfig *config)
Set video chroma keying configuration to select color matcher and setting parameters for it.
Chroma key config structure including type info and actual parameters.
Definition: Varjo_types_mr.h:50
void varjo_MRSetVideoRender(struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_Bool enabled)
Start video pass through rendering on the HMD displays.
void varjo_MRSetCameraPropertyMode(struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_CameraPropertyType type, varjo_CameraPropertyMode mode)
Sets property mode.
void varjo_MRResetCameraProperty(struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_CameraPropertyType type)
Resets the camera property mode and manual mode value to defaults.
void varjo_MRResetCameraProperties(struct varjo_Session *session)
Resets all camera properties to the default mode and value.
void varjo_MRSetVRViewOffset(struct varjo_Session *session, double percentage)
Change virtual camera rendering position between users eyes and video pass through cameras.
void varjo_Unlock(struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_LockType lockType)
Unlock a previously locked lock.
Definition: Varjo_export.h:30
int64_t varjo_CameraPropertyMode
Camera property modes that can be set to control video pass through cameras.
Definition: Varjo_types_mr.h:90
Camera property value structure including type info and actual value.
Definition: Varjo_types_mr.h:107
VARJO_DEPRECATED_API void varjo_MRUnlockChromaKeyConfig(struct varjo_Session *session)
Unlock previously locked chroma key configuration.
varjo_CameraPropertyConfigType varjo_MRGetCameraPropertyConfigType(struct varjo_Session *session, varjo_CameraPropertyType prop)
Get manual property config type for given property.
int64_t varjo_LockType
Mixed reality lock types.
Definition: Varjo_types_mr.h:17