Varjo Native SDK
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10 #if defined __cplusplus
91 struct varjo_Session* session,
struct ID3D12CommandQueue* commandQueue,
struct varjo_SwapChainConfig2* config);
171 #if defined __cplusplus
struct varjo_SwapChain * varjo_D3D12CreateSwapChain(struct varjo_Session *session, struct ID3D12CommandQueue *commandQueue, struct varjo_SwapChainConfig2 *config)
Create a D3D12 swap chain that can be used when submitting layers.
void varjo_EndFrameWithLayers(struct varjo_Session *session, struct varjo_SubmitInfoLayers *submitInfo)
Submit a set of swap chains to the compositor to be displayed.
struct varjo_SwapChain * varjo_D3D11CreateSwapChain(struct varjo_Session *session, struct ID3D11Device *dev, struct varjo_SwapChainConfig2 *config)
Create a D3D11 swap chain that can be used when submitting layers.
Swap chain configuration structure.
Definition: Varjo_types_layers.h:16
struct varjo_Texture varjo_GetSwapChainImage(struct varjo_SwapChain *swapChain, int32_t index)
Retrieve a swap chain image with the given index.
A structure describing the list of layers that the application submits to the compositor each frame.
Definition: Varjo_types_layers.h:213
void varjo_FreeSwapChain(struct varjo_SwapChain *swapChain)
Delete a swap chain object.
void varjo_ReleaseSwapChainImage(struct varjo_SwapChain *swapChain)
Release a swap chain image previously acquired with a call to varjo_AcquireSwapChainImage.
void varjo_AcquireSwapChainImage(struct varjo_SwapChain *swapChain, int32_t *index)
Acquire (lock) the next image in the swap chain for rendering.
API-agnostic texture handle.
Definition: Varjo_types.h:460
void varjo_BeginFrameWithLayers(struct varjo_Session *session)
Begin rendering the frame.
struct varjo_SwapChain * varjo_GLCreateSwapChain(struct varjo_Session *session, struct varjo_SwapChainConfig2 *config)
Create an OpenGL swap chain that can be used when submitting layers.